Hurricane Relief - Fellowship Asheville, NC

Hurricane Relief - Fellowship Asheville, NC


Imagine that you're a single mom and you moved into a new home on Monday. By Friday, that home (along with everything in it) is completely destroyed. This is just one story of hundreds coming out of Asheville, NC after Hurricane Helene devastated the region.

This single mom belongs to a church called Fellowship Asheville, a long-standing partner of Bold Hope. When power is restored and it is safe for staff to return, the church aims to step in and help their community. The road to restoration is a long one, but the HOPE of Jesus will help them pave the way forward.

Would you give so that they can help?

Pray for:

  • The emotional and mental health of those who've experienced this trauma
  • The physical health of those who stayed behind
  • The provision of resources
  • Wisdom for the staff as they discern which needs to meet

Support our campaign

Please use the form below to enter a new donation.

* Goal tracker is updated once a week to include check/cash donations.

Enter Amount to donate

This wil be a one-time donation


Total Donation: $100.00

Goal Tracker


$9,706 of $25,000

$15,294 Remaining

Company Matching

Do you work for a company that matches charitable contributions? Be sure to enter your company name when you donate!

Monetary donations will be used to cover the cost of transporting materials to Fellowship Asheville. We are partnering with local churches to collect supplies that will be driven down to Asheville. Additional funds will be given to Fellowship Asheville to support their efforts in helping their community.

* A portion of the funds will be taken out for an administrative fee.

If you would like to donate physical items, you can drop supplies off at the Bold Hope Office or at RE:VIVALS in Perkasie through October 28th.

Items to Donate:
  • Bottled Water
  • Nonperishable foods
  • Wipes
  • Diapers
  • Baby Food/Formula
  • Toiletries
  • Toilet Paper
  • First Aid Kits
  • Feminine Products
  • Hand Sanitizer

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