Hope Initiatives
Educational Programs

Educational Programs
We believe that every man, woman, and child deserves not only to be treated with dignity, but also to have access to essential human rights such as education. In some countries, school is not free to attend and therefore, many children are unable to do so. In other countries, school is only free if you opt to attend the government school that promotes the country’s official religion.
Bold Hope is committed to making education (and in certain instances, Christian education) available to children in many countries globally. In Haiti, we have started a school. In other countries, we provide funding for children who would not otherwise be able to attend school. It is our dream that education will help break cycles of poverty in communities around the world, providing HOPE for a better future.
Our school does not have a goal to graduate students, but leaders. Leaders who have in their hearts the purpose of spreading love and justice to their beloved people and the peoples of all nations.
Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it.
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