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Around the World

Explore our partnership locations

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Therefore go and make disciples of all nations - Jesus
  • Africa

  • Asia

  • Caribbean

  • Central America

  • South America


  • Africa
    Sponrsor Zimbabwe

    Zimbabwe is a landlocked country in southern Africa known for its dramatic landscape and diverse wildlife, much of it within parks, reserves and safari areas. On the Zambezi River, Victoria Falls make a thundering 108m drop into narrow Batoka Gorge, where there’s white-water rafting and bungee-jumping. Downstream are Matusadona and Mana Pools national parks, home to hippos, rhinos and birdlife.

    Hope Initiatives:

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    Children's Ministry

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    Educational Programs

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    Community Outreach

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    Community Development

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    Church Partnerships

    Zimbabwe Short-Term Mission Trips



  • Asia
    Sponrsor Cambodia

    Children in Cambodia are often forced to quit school in order to work in the field or a factory. Many mothers are living in desperate poverty, forcing them to leave their children unattended while they go to work. Female factory workers are lured into the human trafficking industry with the promise of higher pay. The overwhelming majority of the population is Buddhist, many of whom have never heard the truth of the gospel.

    Hope Initiatives:

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    Trafficking Prevention

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    Educational Programs

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    Medical Care

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    Community Outreach

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    Community Development

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    Children's Ministry

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    Church Partnerships

    Cambodia Short-Term Mission Trips


  • Asia
    Sponrsor India

    India is a country in dire need both physically and spiritually. More than 99% of the population is unreached; they have never heard the truth of the gospel. The largest red light district in all of India is found in Kolkata - women and children here are at-risk of being entered into the sex industry simply because of where they were born.

    Hope Initiatives:

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    Educational Programs

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    Trafficking Prevention

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    Community Outreach

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    Children's Ministry

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    Church Partnerships

    India Short-Term Mission Trips



  • Caribbean
    Sponrsor Bahamas

    The Bahamas continue to need support as they recover from Hurricane Dorian. Many families were displaced, schools shut down and businesses destroyed. We hope to come alongside the ongoing rebuilding projects and partner with local churches to encourage communities. Bahamas mission trips are heavily construction based as our partners work to see local schools rebuilt and homes repaired. We also hope to serve with churches to do community outreach and children's programs.

    Hope Initiatives:

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    Children's Ministry

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    Church Partnerships

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    Community Development

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    Disaster Relief

    Bahamas Short-Term Mission Trips

    the Bahamas

  • Caribbean
    Sponrsor Cuba

    Most Cubans today are indifferent towards Christianity, which leaves Christians often feeling isolated or looked down upon. Our partners are passionate about encouragement and support of the local house churches to provide community and HOPE for their neighbors. Our mission teams partner in this encouragement and support ongoing ministries that work with families who have special needs children, people in need of food and local pastors.

    Hope Initiatives:

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    Community Outreach

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    Community Development

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    Children's Ministry

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    Church Partnerships

    Cuba Short-Term Mission Trips


  • Caribbean
    Sponrsor Dominican Republic

    Haitian "bateyes" came about in the early 1900s as immigrants from Haiti were attracted to the Dominican Republic by the promise of work on large sugarcane plantations. These communities have developed and multiplied over the years and conditions have improved some with the support of humanitarian organizations and some government intervention. However, many remain without electricity and running water. Our partners in the DR are committed to seeing these communities flourish, both physically and spiritually. When you serve with our team in the DR you will come to know and love the people that make up these communities.

    Hope Initiatives:

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    Educational Programs

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    Medical Care

    hope icon

    Community Outreach

    hope icon

    Community Development

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    Children's Ministry

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    Church Partnerships

    Dominican Republic Short-Term Mission Trips

    the Dominican Republic

  • Caribbean
    Sponrsor Haiti

    Our roots are as an organization are in Haiti. We have a staff of 30+ Haitians who oversee the day to day operations of our ministry site and a child sponsorship program with 150+ children in it. 59% of Haiti's population lives below the poverty line, making it the poorest nation in the western Hemisphere. We believe that through the local church, God can do amazing things despite the country's ongoing struggles. Whether it is hosting community outreach events or children's vacation Bible schools or putting a roof on a building, our staff loves when teams come to offer extra hands in the ongoing work they are engaged in.

    Hope Initiatives:

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    Children's Ministry

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    Church Partnerships

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    Community Development

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    Community Outreach

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    Medical Care

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    Educational Programs

    Haiti Short-Term Mission Trips


  • Caribbean
    Sponrsor Jamaica

    Jamaica may be known as a tourist destination, but it is also the second poorest country in the Caribbean. Our desire is to support local pastors, children's homes and other non-profits who are serving the communities overlooked by tourists. We serve with children's homes, where kids with inadequate family situations find refuge, a non-profit who's passion is keeping families together through house renovations and with a boy's and girl's club. Be the hands and feet of Jesus as we provide extra support to overworked staff, fun programs for kids and friendly faces offering HOPE.

    Hope Initiatives:

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    Educational Programs

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    Community Outreach

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    Community Development

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    Children's Ministry

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    Church Partnerships

    Jamaica Short-Term Mission Trips


Central America

  • Central America
    Sponrsor Belize

    We have several locations in Belize to serve with. Different pastors have different dreams and visions for their communities and we are honored to be able to play a small role in that work. As an English speaking nation and with everything from children's programs to feeding initiatives to construction projects, Belize offers opportunities for anyone to be involved. We are excited about what God is doing through our partners.

    Hope Initiatives:

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    Educational Programs

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    Medical Care

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    Community Outreach

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    Community Development

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    Children's Ministry

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    Church Partnerships

    Belize Short-Term Mission Trips


  • Central America
    Sponrsor Costa Rica

    Our partners in Costa Rica are located in underserved villages where churches were not the norm prior to their arrival. They are passionate about seeing the gospel go forth and lives changed by tangible acts of service. As we come alongside their work we will be participating in physical service, children's ministry, community outreach, as well as seeking to meet other needs as they arise.

    Hope Initiatives:

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    Educational Programs

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    Community Outreach

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    Community Development

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    Children's Ministry

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    Church Partnerships

    Costa Rica Short-Term Mission Trips

    Costa Rica

South America

  • South America
    Sponrsor Guyana

    A national tragedy in the late 1970's resulted in the evacuation of nearly all evangelical missionaries in Guyana. The lack of any evangelical influence made room for substantial growth of the Muslim and Hindu populations. Not only are many Guyanese spiritually poor, but they are economically poor as well. The harsh poverty has caused over half of their citizens to migrate to other countries.

    Hope Initiatives:

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    Educational Programs

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    Community Outreach

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    Community Development

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    Children's Ministry

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    Church Partnerships

    Guyana Short-Term Mission Trips


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