Haiti Emergency Fundraiser
Help Us Reach Our Goal of $50,000!

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Bonswa - good evening

I'm Elisnor Julien

Elisnor is very sweet. It takes a little time for him to get comfortable with someone new! Elisnor was born on March 23, 2017 in Arcahaie, Haiti. He lives with his mother and father and two sisters. His mother and father are unemployed. He loves to spend time with his two older sisters and watches everything that they do. He does try to imitate them and is a very quick learner. He is mainly only comfortable with people he knows and it takes a while for him to warm up to strangers. His home is one room with one bed and no table. All five family members live in the same room. There is no bathroom or toilet and no kitchen. They rent the home.

  • Age: 7
  • Gender: Male
  • Birthday: 03/23/2017
  • Current Location: Arcahaie, Haiti
  • Birth Place: Arcahaie, Haiti

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Sponsor Elisnor Julien

Step 1 | When you choose to sponsor a child you are making an impact on their life.