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Our Partners in Belize

Belize is a small country, and we cover a lot of ground there. Thanks to our partners in five different parts of the country, we can bring relief to people in the surrounding communities. From building chicken coops and restoring playgrounds to providing medical clinics and providing food to those in need, each location has unique goals. When you take a Belize mission trip, you can be a part of the work in these locations.

Bold Hope trips to Belize allow you to meet new people as well as connect with and empower them. We also recognize the personal impact that can come from visiting a new culture and stepping outside of your bubble. Whether you're helping to construct a school or serving children their meals, your work will change you just as much as it impacts those you're helping.

Belize Missions Opportunities

Our trips happen all year, so your church group or family can schedule a time that works best. These are also short-term trips for a week — that's only one week of your life dedicated to helping those in need living in Belize. Our Bold Hope team members will help you get adjusted and engage with the surrounding communities.

See the map below to learn where our partners are located in Belize.

What Do We Do in Belize?

Almost half of Belize's population lives below the national poverty line, which makes our work even more important. Churches and ministries across the country can take on a Belize mission project with one of our in-country partners to help make an impact. For example, some of our partners have opened their church doors to the villages in the surrounding areas to give people the HOPE they need. Other partners have worked with schools or established youth ministry programs.

Each of our partners does as much as they can with the time, energy and resources they have available. Keep reading to learn more about how every one makes a difference in their location.

San Antonio

West, Belize

Located in the western mountains of the Cayo district is the beautiful Mayan & Hispanic village of San Antonio. San Antonio is mainly a farming village; it produces most, if not all, of the peanuts consumed in Belize! San Antonio saw a mighty revival a couple of years ago, and since then seven Pentecostal churches have kept the flame lit for the village. These seven churches formed a small association in the village from which the Pentecostal Primary School was born. They are now aspiring to start a high school, as the village does not have one. The Christian churches in San Antonio stand united to work to accomplish tasks great and small for its children and adults. San Antonio welcomes any type of aid from the outside as long as it is in the best interest of their community members.


North, Belize

Sarteneja is a primarily Hispanic community on the rural northern coast of Belize. It is a united village that survives mainly from tourism and fishing; it is Belize’s largest fishing community. The church in Sarteneja is very passionate about reaching the lost and helping people discover true meaning for their lives. Pastor Rodriguez is a humble man with a genuine heart to see the church be a means of inspiring HOPE in their community. He serves among a group of committed believers who dedicate their time, effort and energy to see the village of Sarteneja revived for God’s glory.


South, Belize

Georgetown is located in the Stann Creek region of Belize, approximately 45 miles southeast of Belmopan, the country’s capital city. Many of those living in Georgetown are “Garifuna” - a mixed people of free African and Amerindian ancestry originating in the Caribbean. The Garifuna have their own language, but also understand and speak English. 

Silva Family


We are a family who loves to see and be a part of the transformation that the gospel can bring to the lives and communities where it is present. Natasha is graduated in Media and also a specialist in Missiology. Jonatas holds degrees in Business Administration and Theology, a specialist in Missiology, and another major in Humanitarian Aid. João is 8 years old and likes to play soccer, basketball, card games and to read the bible. Gabriel is 5 years old and he also likes basketball, football, to play Uno and to go to school. Originally from Brazil, we are a missionary family focused on cross-cultural ministry, working since 2010 with missions worldwide.
Read more about the Silva Family Here

Lenço Family


 We are the Lenço family, and we're excited to share our journey with you. Our story is one of love, faith, and a calling that has led us to Belize, where we're on a mission to see God's Kingdom flourish.

About Us:

  • Meet Daniel: Daniel is the creative force within our family. As a photographer and videomaker, he captures the beauty of what God is doing and the stories of the people we encounter. His lens reflects our mission, revealing the transformative work taking place in Belize.
  • Meet Mariana:  Mari is the heart of our family, and her profession as a pharmacist reflects her passion for the well-being of others. Her dedication extends to the communities we serve, where she brings boundless compassion.
  • Meet Matheus: Our little bundle of joy, Matheus, arrived in April 2022, filling our lives with laughter and love. He's our reminder of God's goodness, the preciousness of life, and the future we're building.

We joined our lives in marriage on November 20, 2020, with the shared dream of serving God's purpose together. For four years, we've been on a missionary journey, obediently following God's call to Belize. This beautiful country and its people have become an integral part of our lives.

Our dream is simple yet profound: to witness the Kingdom of God expanding in Belize. Through the gospel, we believe we can make a lasting impact and contribute to a brighter future for this nation. 

As a family, we're grateful for the opportunity to serve, learn, and grow alongside the people of Belize and with Bold Hope. We invite you to join us on this incredible journey as, together, we make a difference. 

Maya Mopan


 Maya Mopan is a Mayan community located in the south of Belize (Stann Creek District), about a 3-hour drive from the airport. Its population is about 600 people. Residents speak Mayan, English and Spanish. Half of the community makes their living with self-sustaining agriculture. The other half work in tourism and construction or as government officials. 

Cristo Ray


Cristo Ray is a Hispanic village located near the Macal River and is approximately 10-15 minutes from San Antonio village. A small town of 2500, many of its residents are refugees from neighboring Central American countries, making Spanish the primary language spoken in the area with some English spoken as well. Most residents work in resorts that surround the village. 

Bullet Tree


Bullitree is a village located in the west of Belize Cayo district, alongside the majestic Mopan river. It's a 5 min drive from the twin towns known as San Ignacio and Santa Elena. The culture is a mix of Mestizo, Maya , and Creole. The population is 2,000 people, most of the whom are in the tourism industry. 

Belize Hope Initiatives

HOPE initiatives in Belize aim to inspire HOPE in the entire community through various projects and programs that our local and missionary partners have undertaken. Bold Hope focuses on coming alongside the long-term vision of these faithful men and women by providing financial support as well as encouragement in the form of short-term teams.

Educational Programs
Bold Hope Educational Programs

Educational Programs

Belize provides the unique opportunity for teams to go into public schools and present the gospel through skits, music, crafts, etc. We encourage teachers by praying for them, helping with lesson prep work, and doing whatever else they may need. Belizean teachers are talented, intelligent individuals who may benefit from additional training on a variety of topics. Current and retired teachers can use their expertise to pour into the lives of these dedicated men and women. 

Learn more about our Educational Programs Hope Initiative

Medical Care
Bold Hope Medical Care

Medical Care

Belize is a largely rural nation whose population is rather spread out. Our medical teams provide care in communities where access is limited or unaffordable; sometimes even conducting home visits for those who are shut in. For families who find medical care beyond their means, teams who come with donations of medicine and supplies are greatly appreciated. Bold Hope also seeks to educate the community on general health or sanitation and offer specific training on topics like first aid.

Learn more about our Medical Care Hope Initiative

Community Outreach
Bold Hope Community Outreach

Community Outreach

Our local ministry partners make building lasting relationships a priority. Much of what is considered “community outreach” is simply having fun with the locals. When their kids are engaged in soccer, jump rope, tag, etc. parents enjoy coming out to watch, which leads to openings for conversation and gospel presentations. Soccer is the most widely played sport in Belize, however cricket, basketball, netball and volleyball are also popular. Sports ministry is a great way to develop relationships within a community, no matter what the ages. Are you a skilled athlete? We would love to set up a sports clinic to train athletes in Belize.

Learn more about our Community Outreach Hope Initiative

Community Development
Bold Hope Community Development

Community Development

Missionaries/pastors and school administrators often don’t have the budget for repairs or updates. Our teams are able to contribute to the ongoing upkeep of a mission site, church, or school, or help with bigger projects as needed. Similarly, there are often many needs within a community that are unable to be completed due to lack of finances or labor. Teams commonly provide both. Bus stops, basketball courts or playgrounds add value and  impact many within a community.

Learn more about our Community Development Hope Initiative

Children's Ministry
Bold Hope Children's Ministry

Children's Ministry

Children are a big focus of the ministry in Belize. Depending on the time of year, teams may have the opportunity to go into a local school (or schools) and present the gospel through skits, music, crafts, etc. During the summer, our local ministry partners run camps where teams are able to build relationships with the same kids all week. Whether ministering to kids at school or at camp, it’s important to help meet their physical needs as well as their spiritual needs. Making sure they get to eat lunch all week is a huge blessing. Teams may do things such as prepare the food, serve the meal, and clean up afterwards.

Learn more about our Children's Ministry Hope Initiative

Church Partnerships
Bold Hope Church Partnerships

Church Partnerships

Church programs such as Bible studies, worship nights, and outreach events are a great way to initiate a connection with the people of Belize. Long-term relationships tend to make the biggest impact on individuals’ lives; discipleship and mentorship play a significant role in seeing lives transformed for Jesus Christ. We believe strongly in the power of prayer, and encourage teams to get to know more about the community by walking through the villages and praying over the homes and people there. We do all of this in support of the local church. Another way we come alongside these congregations to see their visions furthered is through pastor/leadership training.

Learn more about our Church Partnerships Hope Initiative

Why Partner With Bold Hope?

Bold Hope offers mission trips to help people foster connections with others in the world. However, we facilitate more than precious connections and rewarding experiences. Many organizations are unable to provide comfortable accommodations to volunteer groups. At Bold Hope, we ensure our mission trip opportunities are comfortable with secure accommodations, access to amenities and reliable resources. We place our groups in hotels, offer three meals a day and have a staff member available at all times.

We understand that traveling to a new country is an exciting and scary experience. That's why we provide as much assistance to your group as we can, so you can focus on helping those in Belize. With the proper accommodations and amenities, you can bring your entire family or church group on one of our Belize mission trips.

Interested in a Trip to Belize?

Please fill out this form and a Bold Hope team member will be in touch!