Cambodia Mission Trips
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Our Partners:
Undisclosed Location, Cambodia
Our local ministry partners help very poor students by providing a safe community where they can be educated, learn about health/hygiene and visit an experienced doctor. Additionally, they provide food and clothing. Vocational training and life skills are taught. They have also established a mother’s home near the factories so that moms and children are able to live together in a safe, nurturing environment. Additionally, this Cambodian ministry has built affordable, clean, safe rental rooms near the factories, where a local pastor and his wife live on the property and care for these workers as a means of preventing them from being lured into trafficking. Just as there are physical cycles of poverty, there are also spiritual cycles of poverty and our partners seek to meet these heart needs, too. Church planting, Bible studies, and village outreach are all means by which these missionaries are sharing the love of Christ. By modeling loving relationships, generosity and healthy community, they see people experience renewal and salvation. It is their HOPE that breaking the cycle of bondage to idols and spiritual oppression will free not just the individual Cambodian, but the next generation and beyond.
Cambodia Hope Initiatives
HOPE initiatives are vital in Cambodia, a country with less than 4% of its population claiming to be Christian. Our missionary partners have undertaken various programs and projects with the aim of inspiring HOPE in the people they serve. Bold Hope comes alongside the long-term vision of these faithful men and women to provide financial assistance as well as support in the form of short-term mission teams.
Interested in a Trip to Cambodia?
Please fill out this form and a Bold Hope team member will be in touch!