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Javier Sandi

Javier Sandi

Javier is one of the sweetest and smartest boys in our sponsorship program at Batey Brador. He is present at all the Bold Hope activities. He’s an active boy, always running around with his friends. Javier’s school teacher says he is very bright and takes his studies very seriously. 
Unfortunately, Javier was born with a genetic condition where he does not have teeth and will never grow them. However, because he is supported through the child sponsorship program our staff has the resources to make sure he gets the medical attention he needs. He has recently seen the dentist to get all the necessary tests completed and the prosthetic. Because of child sponsorship, Javier will soon receive his new teeth!

Pie Family

Pie Family

“Bold Hope has changed this batey. I’m grateful to God because, out of all the bateys in the DR, He brought Bold Hope to mine.” — Simona

Simona, a single mother of 8, was born in Batey Brador, where she stills lives with 5 of her 8 children. Just a short time ago, due to insufficient funds for public transportation, Simona’s twin daughters (age 12) had to stay with relatives 8 miles from their house in Brador in order to attend school during the week. The girls could only afford one round-trip bus ticket per week to visit their mom and siblings on the weekend. Because of the Bold Hope sponsorship program, Yohanny and Yohanna are now able to afford the daily bus fare from Brador to their school. This allows them to once again stay with their family, traveling to and from their school each day. Now they are also able to take part in other activities provided by the sponsorship program, such as Bible and English classes. The child sponsorship program has also allowed four of Simona’s kids to get their birth certificates which enables them to get their Dominican SSN. This opens even more doors for higher education and job opportunities outside of the sugarcane village. 

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Sponsor a Child in The Dominican Republic

Food for the hungry. Medicine for the sick. Education for children. Child sponsorship provides HOPE for the hopeless. Sponsor a child today and impact lives for eternity.

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Sponsorship in the Dominican Republic provides children with:

Sponsorship FAQs

Why does Bold Hope's sponsorship program have more than one sponsor for each child?

Rather than setting the cost for child sponsorship globally, we have developed a program that allows us to work in every country without limits on what it can provide or how much things cost. The amount needed for sponsorship is determined by which needs local leaders seek to meet and how much it actually costs to meet those needs. So, what sponsorship includes and what it costs varies from country to country. As a result, sponsorship costs more in some countries than it does in others. In an attempt to make sponsorship more affordable for most donors, we have assigned multiple sponsorship slots for each child. Regardless of how man sponsors there are for each child, your prayers and support are priceless. Your involvement goes a long way toward inspiring HOPE in your sponsored child and their family.

Does the family get the money directly?
Sponsoring a child through Bold Hope provides sponsors with the unique opportunity to develop a true relationship with one specific child. However, monthly sponsorship donations are pooled in order to make the greatest impact. What does this mean? It means that because of your generosity, and that of other Bold Hope child sponsors, children around the globe have the chance to thrive and have HOPE for their futures. Sponsorship funds long-term programs and initiatives, the aim of which is empowering not only individual sponsored children, but their entire communities as well.

We work closely with local churches and missionaries to ensure that the children enrolled in the sponsorship program are receiving the benefits of sponsorship. Rather than giving money directly to the sponsored family, local leaders are responsible for things like purchasing food, supplies, or paying school fees. We require regular reports from the sponsorship program directors to ensure that the needs of each sponsored child are being met. Each program is reviewed at least once annually.
Can I interact with my sponsored child?
At Bold Hope, we encourage you to connect with the child you support. From mission trips to child sponsorships, we offer ways for you to build and strengthen relationships with those whom you have connected. Some trip participants are even able to spend time with their sponsored child while on a trip! We also provide the opportunity to write a letter to your sponsored child; when you have the time, you can submit a letter through our website. Simply provide us with your name, the sponsored child's name and your email. Then, start writing your greeting!

Once you finish your letter, we will translate it into the appropriate language. It should take an estimated two to three weeks before your sponsored child receives the letter. Upon receiving the letter and having it read to them, the child can respond by writing a letter back or drawing a picture.

Bold Hope also sends biannual updates on our sponsored children so sponsors are able to stay up-to-date on what is happening in the Dominican Republic and know how your child's life has progressed since the last update.