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Bold Hope: Haiti

Arcahaie, Haiti

Bold Hope's ministry began in Haiti as Poverty Resolutions after the 2010 earthquake. In 2014, we purchased 3 acres of land in Arcahaie with the intention of creating a community center to house various ministries. The site has developed and the ministry has grown to include nearly 50 Poverty Resolutions staff who oversee and execute the daily operations of the ministry in order to fulfill the mission of serving people both physically and spiritually. In addition to paying the Poverty Resolutions staff, Bold Hope continues to fund all other aspects of our Haiti ministry as we have expanded internationally.

If you take a Christian mission trip to Haiti, you can witness the great advancements and hard work of Poverty Resolutions for yourself. You can even contribute to the work and connect, empower and transform the people around you. After a Bold Hope trip to Haiti, we HOPE you'll walk away with a new worldview.

Haiti Staff

Haiti Staff

Poverty Resolutions team members in Haiti are a group of men and women dedicated to bettering their communities. As a partner to them, Bold Hope helps financially and physically. Through the thoughtful donations of those who want to help, we work to relieve staffing issues and provide aid in small ways.

The Poverty Resolutions ministry has grown tremendously because of hard work. We show our gratitude by facilitating youth and group mission trips to Haiti to give our partner assistance in a variety of ways, from contributing to the school program and completing clinic hours to growing crops.

How we're serving in Haiti

The school located on the Poverty Resolutions site currently serves Pre-K through 4th grade, with the aim of adding a grade or two every year. The cost of attending school in Haiti prevents many children from being able to enroll. To help break the cycle of poverty, Poverty Resolutions strives to offer a quality education to all the youth in the community through their Child Development Program (funded by child sponsorship) at minimal cost to the family or with affordable fees for those not in the program.


The school located on the Poverty Resolutions site currently serves Pre-K through 4th grade, with the aim of adding a grade or two every year. The cost of attending school in Haiti prevents many children from being able to enroll. To help break the cycle of poverty, Poverty Resolutions strives to offer a quality education to all the youth in the community through their Child Development Program (funded by child sponsorship) at minimal cost to the family or with affordable fees for those not in the program.


Poverty Resolutions staff members felt called by God to start a church in order to meet the spiritual needs of their community. It started out in a tent but was quickly outgrown. That original tent was replaced by a circus-sized tent and in 2018 a permanent building was erected. This space is multifunctional for the community - used for Sunday morning services, midweek Bible studies, evening worship revivals, weddings, funerals and many other events. Pastor Samuel dreams of church planting and someday opening a Bible seminary as well.

Poverty Resolutions staff members felt called by God to start a church in order to meet the spiritual needs of their community. It started out in a tent but was quickly outgrown. That original tent was replaced by a circus-sized tent and in 2018 a permanent building was erected. This space is multifunctional for the community - used for Sunday morning services, midweek Bible studies, evening worship revivals, weddings, funerals and many other events. Pastor Samuel dreams of church planting and someday opening a Bible seminary as well.
Our clinic was officially opened to the community in 2018 after being built by a team of Haitians and Americans. It was initially used as a preschool for a short time. Now, it is a clinic the community can count on. Medical care in Haiti is often too expensive and not easily accessible for the average family. Our dream was to build a clinic within walking distance with reasonable costs so that community members could be treated when needed. Since opening, we have been able to treat patients, care for our sponsorship children and host medical teams.


Our clinic was officially opened to the community in 2018 after being built by a team of Haitians and Americans. It was initially used as a preschool for a short time. Now, it is a clinic the community can count on. Medical care in Haiti is often too expensive and not easily accessible for the average family. Our dream was to build a clinic within walking distance with reasonable costs so that community members could be treated when needed. Since opening, we have been able to treat patients, care for our sponsorship children and host medical teams.


Prior to 2018, our cooks were working in a space the size of a closet, preparing daily meals for staff and the children in our sponsorship program. A generous donor provided funds to build a space four times that size. From Monday to Friday, the kitchen is used to provide school breakfast and lunch for both our staff and all the kids enrolled in our sponsorship program. These meals change lives as they provide nutrition and energy for students to learn; employees to work; and the familial burden of one less meal to provide.

Prior to 2018, our cooks were working in a space the size of a closet, preparing daily meals for staff and the children in our sponsorship program. A generous donor provided funds to build a space four times that size. From Monday to Friday, the kitchen is used to provide school breakfast and lunch for both our staff and all the kids enrolled in our sponsorship program. These meals change lives as they provide nutrition and energy for students to learn; employees to work; and the familial burden of one less meal to provide.
Soccer is the most popular sport in Haiti, so of course, it was important for our site to have a field. In 2018, a team donated and helped construct a basketball court that quickly became a community favorite as well (there are not many basketball courts in Haiti). Church and community tournaments bring players from various surrounding communities and lots of fans together for exciting games. Sports are an easy way to rally a community together.


Soccer is the most popular sport in Haiti, so of course, it was important for our site to have a field. In 2018, a team donated and helped construct a basketball court that quickly became a community favorite as well (there are not many basketball courts in Haiti). Church and community tournaments bring players from various surrounding communities and lots of fans together for exciting games. Sports are an easy way to rally a community together.


About an acre of our 3-acre plot of land is dedicated to agricultural initiatives. A variety of fruits and vegetables may be found growing, depending on the season or available space in our shade cloth houses. As the program develops, we anticipate a crop surplus that will provide supplementary food for the lunch program and staff. We believe our agricultural efforts could benefit the community as well.

About an acre of our 3-acre plot of land is dedicated to agricultural initiatives. A variety of fruits and vegetables may be found growing, depending on the season or available space in our shade cloth houses. As the program develops, we anticipate a crop surplus that will provide supplementary food for the lunch program and staff. We believe our agricultural efforts could benefit the community as well.
Built in less than a week, the mission house has been home to staff, children who needed temporary housing after a tough orphanage situation and missionaries. With plans to develop it into an even more functional facility complete with office space and computer lab, this is a central meeting place for staff and teams.

Mission House

Built in less than a week, the mission house has been home to staff, children who needed temporary housing after a tough orphanage situation and missionaries. With plans to develop it into an even more functional facility complete with office space and computer lab, this is a central meeting place for staff and teams.

Haiti Hope Initiatives

Our HOPE initiatives are long-term projects and programs undertaken by our faithful Haitian partners with the aim of inspiring HOPE in their community. Bold Hope supports their vision by coming alongside the good work they are doing by providing financial support and short-term mission teams.

We demonstrate our support through our short-term mission trips to Haiti. By lending a physical hand to the staff, we can connect with them, empower them and support everyone in the community. Look into our trip overviews if you're interested in visiting and helping the Poverty Resolutions site in Haiti.

Bold Hope Children's Ministry

Children's Ministry

Children are a big part of our ministry focus. Teams will have the opportunity to love and serve village children through Vacation Bible School (VBS) and regular interaction with them at the mission site. In addition, we know that many children living in orphanages around the world are economic orphans rather than orphans in the traditional sense of having lost both parents. Our child sponsorship program is proof that we aim to keep families together by alleviating some of the financial burden that many families around the world face. While all of this is true, it is also true that there are children living in orphanages who deserve to be held, played with, and offered the HOPE that comes from knowing that there is a Heavenly Father who loves them unconditionally, even if we cannot bring about the change that would reunite them with their families.

Learn more about our Children's Ministry Hope Initiatives

Bold Hope Church Partnerships

Church Partnerships

We work in conjunction with local church leadership to host events that will bring people out, giving local believers and trip participants the chance to develop relationships and have meaningful gospel conversations. Perhaps even more significantly, training local men and women to lead Bible studies and discipleship groups is a big part of continuing the spread of the gospel and the growth of the local church in Haiti.

Learn more about our Church Partnerships Hope Initiatives

Bold Hope Community Development

Community Development

We have had teams from all over the country build up our mission site to its current state which includes: a mission house, a school, a kitchen, a church, and a medical clinic. Some of these buildings are still incomplete; there is always more to be done. We have also had teams construct a playground structure and a basketball court; we are grateful for the joy these bring to the community.

Learn more about our Community Development Hope Initiatives

Bold Hope Community Outreach

Community Outreach

Many Haitians are food insecure, meaning that they lack regular access to enough nutritious food for normal growth and development. In fact, it is very common for Haitians to eat only one meal per day, or sometimes nothing at all. Volunteers will be able to help serve the meal that regularly feeds 100 people each day. We also want to connect on equal footing - sports are a great way to connect with people whom you’ve never met before! Kids and teens in Haiti love soccer and basketball especially; we love using sports as a way to enter into conversation and relationship.

Learn more about our Community Outreach Hope Initiatives

Bold Hope Medical Care

Medical Care

Access to medical care is a luxury that is foreign to many Haitian people. Additionally, there is a significant lack of education in Haiti about topics such as hygiene, sex, nutrition, disease prevention, etc. Our aim is to provide consistent, long-term care and education for the community at a low cost. Children in our sponsorship program receive regular check-ups and the funding for specialized care as needed. Our medical teams come and provide medical attention in nearby villages to many who would never otherwise receive it. We also welcome any knowledgeable volunteers to prepare presentations to share with the community.

Learn more about our Medical Care Hope Initiatives

Bold Hope Educational Programs

Educational Programs

The school on our ministry site serves the children in our sponsorship program as well as other children from the community. The teachers are well-trained and often participate in continuing education. Since school in Haiti is not free, many students would be unable to attend without the faithful donations of their sponsors.

Learn more about our Educational Programs Hope Initiatives

Why Work With Bold Hope?

Bold Hope provides ways for church groups, families and other organizations to support developing nations. Through our partnerships with international churches, pastors and leaders, we provide ministry through missions trips to various locations. We serve many different countries, including some in South America, Africa, Asia and the Caribbean.

What We Provide

While many organizations can help plan a mission trip for your group, not all can provide comfortable accommodations. Our Haiti mission trips are unique because we take care of the planning. Our organization arranges comfortable accommodations for your group during your stay, typically in a hotel. We also ensure that groups have access to necessary amenities so both families and church groups can attend our mission trips.

You can count on Bold Hope to provide quality meals and assistance when your group needs it. We also offer transportation to and from the airport, trip insurance and translators. Plus, you can add features that Bold Hope takes care of, such as airfare, construction projects and group t-shirts. Our goal is to make your trip as easy and stress-free as possible so you can experience the radical transformation that comes from helping others.

Learn More About Our Trips to Haiti

If your church, family or other Christian group wants to experience going to Haiti, sign up for one of our mission trips. You can also contact us today to learn more about the cost and itinerary.

Interested in a Trip to Haiti?

Please fill out this form and a Bold Hope team member will be in touch!