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Medical Care

The New Testament is full of examples of Jesus healing the sick and wounded. In fact, Jesus often went out of His way to engage the diseased and those cast out by society as a result of their illness or impairment. He showed love to people who more than likely did not often experience it. As Christ followers, we are to model our lives after His. If the sick were important to Jesus, they are important to us.

We help provide medical care to communities in a variety of different ways. In Haiti, we have a permanent medical clinic that is open year-round to meet the needs of the community. In other countries, we bring medical mission teams who are able to see patients who would not otherwise have access to healthcare. In many instances, our child sponsorship program provides the funding needed for children to receive medical attention as needs arise.
Jesus went through all the towns and villages, teaching in their synagogues, proclaiming the good news of the kingdom and healing every disease and sickness.
- Matthew 9:35

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See how our partners are making a difference.