Haiti Emergency Fundraiser
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Our Partners:


Kolkata, India

Our partners in India believe that only the gospel can bring light in the darkness and that truth fuels all that they do. One of the most prominent ministries they are involved with is the holistic care and protection of women and men who have been victims of human trafficking. Their ministry includes secure homes where children and youth can live until they have a safe alternative, community development initiatives, programs for kids of sex workers, a seminary and partnerships with churches.

India Hope Initiatives

In a country that is largely unreached with the gospel, our HOPE initiatives are programs and projects undertaken by our local partners with the aim of inspiring HOPE in this primarily Hindu nation. Bold Hope comes alongside the long-term vision of these faithful Indian men and women to provide financial assistance as well as support in the form of short-term mission teams and ongoing encouragement.

Educational Programs
Bold Hope Educational Programs

Educational Programs

The rescued children and youth living in group homes are able to continue their education due, in large part, to child sponsorship. They are given a safe, supportive environment in which to complete their studies and are also trained in various vocational and life skills. 

Learn more about our Educational Programs Hope Initiative

Trafficking Prevention
Bold Hope Trafficking Prevention

Trafficking Prevention

Our local ministry partners have started an after-school program in the red light district for children of sex workers. The goal of this ministry is to develop relationships with individual children so that they can be monitored and hopefully kept out of the sex industry. Volunteers are able to come alongside ministry staff by providing support and encouragement.

Additionally, our partners provide ongoing support for survivors of sex trafficking. Help us show them the love of Christ by praying with them and preparing devotions and/or music to share. Teams can also have fun with them by bringing card or board games or preparing a team-building activity.

Learn more about our Trafficking Prevention Hope Initiative

Community Outreach
Bold Hope Community Outreach

Community Outreach

The after-school program for the children of sex workers serves multiple purposes, among them providing homework help and English language instruction, which will hopefully act as another means for breaking the cycle in their lives. Our partners are also intentional about providing awareness programs and holistic care to survivors and children at risk. Our teams are able to participate in this work by planning children’s programs and visiting the various service locations.

Learn more about our Community Outreach Hope Initiative

Children's Ministry
Bold Hope Children's Ministry

Children's Ministry

Children are a big part of our ministry’s focus. Teams will have the opportunity to love and serve children through VBS-type activities (games, Bible stories, crafts, music, etc) in the red light district and at homes for rescued or at-risk kids . We know that many children and youth living in these homes are there because their parents or caregivers put them at risk. While we believe in keeping families together, we know that it’s not always a possibility. We desire to encourage and support these children and youth, offering them the HOPE that comes from knowing that there is a Heavenly Father who loves them unconditionally.

Learn more about our Children's Ministry Hope Initiative

Church Partnerships
Bold Hope Church Partnerships

Church Partnerships

There are many local churches in India that are regularly sharing the gospel with their communities. Help us assist their efforts by hosting a VBS or a community outreach event. Participate in a church service by sharing your testimony, or ask in advance what else might be helpful. Additionally, a local seminary is training native Indians in the Word of God. These individuals will likely become pastors, teachers, leaders, or missionaries. We welcome teams who are able to teach seminars to these eager students. If you’re unable to teach a seminar, the students would also benefit from things such as team-building activities.

Learn more about our Church Partnerships Hope Initiative

Interested in a Trip to India?

Please fill out this form and a Bold Hope team member will be in touch!