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child in Jamaica

The Need

Jamaica may be known as a tourist destination, but it is also the second poorest country in the Caribbean. Our desire is to support local pastors, children's homes and other non-profits who are serving the communities overlooked by tourists. We serve with children's homes, where kids with inadequate family situations find refuge, a non-profit who's passion is keeping families together through house renovations and with a boy's and girl's club. Be the hands and feet of Jesus as we provide extra support to overworked staff, fun programs for kids and friendly faces offering HOPE.

Jamaica At A Glance

Climate Tropical

Current Temp: 84°




81% Christian





Jamaica Information


From May - August, the average high temperature is around 90°. The rest of the year, the high averages around 84°. October is the wettest month.


19.9% of people live below the poverty line


`12% unemployment among total labor force


$1 USD = 128 Jamaican Dollars (JMD)


A country built on the backs of African slaves, Jamaica’s population is 92.1% black.


The Jamaican economy is heavily dependent upon tourism. 12% of the population is unemployed - a percentage nearly 3x higher than that of the U.S., in a country the size of Connecticut. Due to its fame as a tourist destination, many people don’t realize that it is actually the 2nd poorest Caribbean nation.

Interested in a Trip to Jamaica?

Please fill out this form and a Bold Hope team member will be in touch!