Bold Hope One Fund
Donate Now Help Us Reach Our Goal of $2,000,000!
Good evening

I'm Wilson Coc

Wilson moved to this part of the island 4 years ago after his dad left his mom, but it has turned out to be a great place for him. He has fallen in love with this part, and the children's ministry especially. His favorite song is "Nobody loves me like you do". He attends the Caye Caulker primary school and is in grade 4. His favorite subject is math. He hopes to one day meet the sponsor that has decided to help him.

  • Age: 15
  • Gender: Male
  • Birthday: 04/06/2009
  • Birth Place: Belize City, Belize

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Sponsor Wilson Coc

Step 1 | When you choose to sponsor a child you are making an impact on their life.