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The Walter Family

The Walter Family

Yonli, Yaperson, and Josue are three brothers from Nicaragua who migrated to Belize along with their parents in 2019. They were fleeing war and persecution in Nicaragua. 
When they settled in Belize, they had no idea how life was going to be.The boys were immediately added to our child development program and were able to be enrolled in school. At the time, they only spoke Misquito, their dialect in Nicaragua. After just three years in the program, they now speak fluent Spanish and are learning to speak and write in English. Their future is bright and hopeful because child sponsorship has given them access to education.

Abijah Elionay Lizarraga

Abijah Elionay Lizarraga

Abijah lives in a home with his extended family which includes his mom, siblings, uncles, aunts, cousins and grandparents. He is the oldest male amongst his siblings. His mom is a single parent; Abijah witnessed his dad abuse his mom when he was younger. This caused him to be full of anger. For months during the discipleship sessions our Bold Hope staff provides, he would say negative and threatening things like, “When I grow up I am going to be a bad person, and I will kill my dad. I am going to kill people.” It was really hard to deal with him because he was very aggressive and disrespectful. But, recently, after experiencing much love, prayer, teaching and patience from our team, Abijah’s attitude has been transformed! He now says things like, “When I grow up, I want to be a police officer. I will protect my family. I will build a house for my mom.“ The generosity of our sponsors facilitates this kind of transformation! 

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Sponsor a Child in Belize

Child sponsorship provides HOPE and a future to children around the globe who might otherwise find themselves in desperate situations. Your sponsorship quite literally has the power to impact them for eternity. Bold Hope lets you choose the country and child that you want to sponsor. We want you to feel connected to the child before you begin the sponsorship process. If you’re ready to make a difference, sponsor a child now — they need you.

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Support Children in Need in Belize

Belize is a small country of less than a half million residents, many of them children who are more likely to be living in poverty than anyone else. Families struggle to feed their children, and local churches and organizations have little materials to serve their communities in the ways they want and need to. As a result, many children desperately need food, school materials and clothing.

When you choose to sponsor a child in need from Belize, you give them a chance to succeed in more ways than one. Your generosity allows them to do more than meet their basic needs - it allows them to change their lives for the better.

At Bold Hope, our desire is to connect people across cultures and continents to the glory of God. Empowering children and families by providing medical care, nutrition, and education presents them with increased opportunity for growth and development. No one can choose where they are born, but the transforming power of the gospel transcends location and situation. Your generous sponsorship creates the possibility of a future beyond what they ever thought possible.

Do you have questions about child sponsorship in Belize?

If you would like to sponsor a child in Belize, contact rachel.s@boldhope.org with any sponsorship questions or contact us online. We're happy to answer any questions and explain how important your support is to children in Belize and worldwide.

Sponsorship in Belize provides children with:

Sponsorship FAQs

Why do the children in Bold Hope's sponsorship program have more than one sponsor?

Instead of having a standard fee to sponsor a child, Bold Hope has developed a program that allows us to work in all countries without having to restrict what we can provide or how much things cost. The number of slots needed for sponsorship is determined by which needs local leaders aim to meet and how much it costs to meet those needs. What sponsorship includes and costs varies country by country. As a result, sponsorship is more expensive in some places than in others. In an effort to make sponsorship affordable for donors, we've assigned more than one sponsorship slot to each child. No matter how many sponsors each child has, your prayers and support are priceless. Your involvement goes a long way toward inspiring HOPE in your sponsored child's life.

Does the family of each sponsored child get the money directly?
Sponsoring a child through Bold Hope provides sponsors with the unique opportunity to develop a relationship with one specific child. With that being said, monthly sponsorship donations are pooled in order to make the greatest impact. What does this mean? It means that due to your generosity, and that of other sponsors, children around the globe have the opportunity to thrive and HOPE for their futures that they might not have had otherwise. Sponsorship funds long-term programs and initiatives with the aim of empowering individual sponsored children as well as their entire communities.

We work closely with local churches and missionaries to ensure that each child enrolled in the sponsorship program is receiving the benefits that sponsorship provides. Rather than giving any money directly to the child's family, local leaders are responsible for things like purchasing food, supplies, or paying school fees. We require regular reports from the sponsorship program directors to ensure that the needs of each sponsored child are being met sufficiently. Each program is reviewed at least once annually.
Can I interact with my sponsored child?
At Bold Hope, true connection is at the heart of what we do. Of course, child sponsorship is no different! From mission trips to child sponsorships, we offer ways for you to build and strengthen relationships with those whom you have already connected on some level. Spend time with your sponsored child on a mission trip or write them a letter! You can submit a letter through our website - simply provide us with your name, the sponsored child's name and your email. Then, start writing your greeting!

Once you finish your letter, we will translate it into the appropriate language. It should take an estimated two to three weeks before your sponsored child receives the letter. Upon receiving the letter and having it read to them, the child can respond by writing a letter back or drawing a picture.

Bold Hope also sends annual updates on our sponsored children so you can stay up-to-date on the news in Belize and know what's going on in your child's life.

Interested in a Trip to Belize?

If you would like to visit with your sponsored child and see the beautiful country they call home, we offer short-term mission trips to Belize. Please fill out this form and a Bold Hope team member will be in touch!