Bold Hope One Fund
Donate Now Help Us Reach Our Goal of $2,000,000!
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I'm Bed 9 Logrono

By investing in this program, you are providing a warm, safe and home-like environment for many children in need of HOPE! Because of your sponsorship of this bed in the foster home, children who have been rescued from abusive and dangerous settings will be able to have all their daily needs met, attend school and receive care and attention from people who love Jesus. Your sponsorship will also allow Fundacion Rescate to engage the parents of these children, transforming lives and communities as they teach them God’s design for families.

Help me reach my sponsorship goal

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Sponsors Received

Sponsor Bed 9 Logrono

Step 1 | When you choose to sponsor a child you are making an impact on their life.

Giving Options

Total Amount: $0.00 / Monthly