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Domboshava Children's Home

Domboshava, Zimbabwe

The Domboshava Children’s home is home to 14 orphaned children. The ministry here supports their growth, education and wellness. They are in the process of purchasing a transitional home for children who are aging out and who by law are required to leave the children’s home. This transitional home will be a place they can continue to be supported and cared for as they learn skills and prepare for adulthood.

Rugare Orphan Care

Harare, Zimbabwe

Rugare Orphan Care provides care for 32 orphaned children. These children grow up in a safe environment where their most basic needs are met and they can learn valuable life skills prior to aging out of the system. Pastor Henry and the other staff are passionate about finding sustainable projects to engage in, feeding initiatives and education for the children and community.

Zimbabwe Hope Initiatives

Local pastors endeavor to inspire HOPE in the people they serve through various projects and programs. They are committed to doing this work for the long-term; Bold Hope comes alongside to encourage, provide financial assistance, and bring support in the form of short-term mission teams.

Children's Ministry
Bold Hope Children's Ministry

Children's Ministry

Children are a big focus of the ministry in Zimbabwe. Our partners run a group homes for children and work with  older youth, training and equipping them, as they transition out of the homes. Teams have the opportunity to help host programs at the homes, engaging children with sports, games, crafts, music and other programs to pave the way for them to learn more about the gospel.

Learn more about our Children's Ministry Hope Initiative

Educational Programs
Bold Hope Educational Programs

Educational Programs

The children and youth living in group homes are able to continue their education due, in large part, to child sponsorship. They are given a safe, supportive environment in which to complete their studies.

Learn more about our Educational Programs Hope Initiative

Community Outreach
Bold Hope Community Outreach

Community Outreach

With a commitment to the gospel going forth, our partners are intentional about investing in their communities. They develop real relationships with the intention of keeping the door open for people to hear about Jesus. Teams offer the opportunity to host events and programs for the community. 

Learn more about our Community Outreach Hope Initiative

Community Development
Bold Hope Community Development

Community Development

Pastors and orphanage staff often don’t have the budget for repairs or updates. Our teams are able to contribute to the ongoing upkeep of an orphanage or transitional home, or help with bigger projects as needed. Similarly, there are often many needs within a community that are unable to be completed due to lack of finances or labor. Teams commonly provide both. Bus stops, basketball courts or playgrounds add value and impact many within a community.

Learn more about our Community Development Hope Initiative

Church Partnerships
Bold Hope Church Partnerships

Church Partnerships

One of our pastors oversees a network of pastors, providing them with encouragement and training as needed. Teams are able to connect with and further these pastors through church programs or training events. 

Learn more about our Church Partnerships Hope Initiative

Interested in a Trip to Zimbabwe?

Please fill out this form and a Bold Hope team member will be in touch!