Bold Hope One Fund
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Bonswa - good evening

I'm Isna Calixte

Isna has a twin sister that she likes to play dolls with. Isna was born on January 9, 2012 in Boisneuff, Haiti. She lives with her two sisters and mother in a cement block home with a tin roof. Her father recently moved to Chile where there are better job opportunities, and her mother is currently out of work but walks to local gardens to speak with farmers, hoping to find work while the girls are in school in order to provide for them. Isna attends church with her family. Isna really enjoys to play with dolls and is full of laughter. She has a twin sister and they are both very curious and not shy at all. They are also both playful and sensitive.

  • Age: 13
  • Gender: Female
  • Birthday: 01/08/2012
  • Current Location: Arcahaie, Haiti
  • Country: Haiti
  • Hobbies: Playing with dolls

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