Bold Hope One Fund
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I'm Jovens Fleurius

Jovens is often found outside playing with a big smile on his face. Jovens was born in Babawous on September 2, 2015. He currently lives in Boisneuff with his mother, one brother and two sisters. Jovens' father has left the family and his mother is not working as she has four children to take care of. It is great that Jovens is in the program as he benefits greatly from the preschool, feeding program and medical clinic when he is not feeling well. Jovens does attend church with his family. Jovens especially loves to be with his siblings chasing them around outside and is very playful. He also spends a lot of time with his mother. The family home is made of mud and sticks and rocks with a tin roof.

  • Age: 9
  • Gender: Male
  • Birthday: 09/02/2015
  • Current Location: Arcahaie, Haiti
  • Country: Haiti

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