Bold Hope One Fund
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Bon Apremidi - good afternoon

I'm Miralson Dacius

Miralson was born on March 30, 2011 in Barriere Pois, Haiti. He had stopped going to school because his father was not able to support the cost. However, now that he has a sponsor Miralson is able to attend school and enjoys it very much. He lives with his father, grandmother, sister and sometimes extended family comes to stay with them. Miralson’s father is struggling to find work because he has extreme knee and back pain. He works when he can and makes brooms to sell to try and make ends meet. Miralson loves to ride bicycles. He borrows his friend's and rides for hours. He helps his family out by cleaning the house. He gets along well with his sister and likes to spend time with her. His is a little bit shy. He likes to attend church with his family.

  • Age: 13
  • Gender: Male
  • Birthday: 03/31/2011
  • Current Location: Arcahaie, Haiti
  • Country: Haiti
  • Hobbies: Riding bicycles

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Giving Options

Total Amount: $0.00 / Monthly