Bold Hope One Fund
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Bon Apremidi - good afternoon

I'm Rodneyson Georges

Rodneyson enjoys going to church with his family. Rodneyson was born on August 9, 2010 in Boisneuff, Haiti. Rodneyson loves school and is a very bright kid. In the past, he was able to attend some years of school depending on the family's financial situation. Rodneyson lives at home with his parents, grandparents, 2 brothers and 1 sister. He enjoys playing soccer and tag with all of his community friends and is very social. Sunday's are his favorite days because he enjoys church a lot. Rodneyson's parents are both unemployed and looking for jobs. He helps his parents by cleaning the house with his little sister. He also gets water from the well and carries it to their home. His favorite food is rice and chicken. He is healthy and happy, always with a smile on his face!

  • Age: 14
  • Gender: Male
  • Birthday: 08/09/2010
  • Current Location: Arcahaie, Haiti
  • Country: Haiti
  • Sports: Soccer
  • Family Duties: Cleaning the house, bringing water from the Well to their home
Rodneyson Georges is
Fully Sponsored!