Bold Hope One Fund
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Bon Apremidi - good afternoon

I'm Rosemande Alilus

Rosemande loves to cook and does it often. Rosemande is not shy at all, because she loves to talk and is very energetic. She also enjoys jumping rope with her friends as often as she can. She lives with her mother, father, older brother and two sisters. She really enjoys school and loves to learn. The family home is made of coconut leaves and tarps and has a tin roof. The home has a gate around it. Rosemande also goes to church on Sundays with her family. Rosemande helps her mom with the cooking and also helps her sister with the wash.

  • Age: 17
  • Gender: Female
  • Birthday: 05/19/2007
  • Current Location: Arcahaie, Haiti
  • Country: Haiti
  • Hobbies: Jumping rope
  • Needs: Helps with the cooking and the wash
Rosemande Alilus is
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