Bold Hope One Fund
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Bonswa - good evening

I'm Widjna Garcon

Widjna's favorite activity is to play with her dolls. Widjna was born in Pois la Navine, Haiti on November 1, 2014. She currently lives in Arcahaie with her mother, one brother and two sisters. Her father has left the family and Widjna's mother does try to make ends meet by selling cellular phone minutes. The family is currently renting a small house with another family. Widjna loves to play with her siblings. Widjna is very inquisitive, so she certainly learns a lot.

  • Age: 10
  • Gender: Female
  • Birthday: 11/01/2014
  • Current Location: Arcahaie, Haiti
  • Country: Haiti
  • Hobbies: Playing with her dolls
Widjna Garcon is
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