Bold Hope One Fund
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Bonjou - good morning

I'm Widley Serilus

Widley enjoys spending time with his mother. Widley was born on October 27, 2015 in Boisneuff, Haiti. He has a younger brother and lives with his mother, father and brother near the Bold Hope site. His mother stays at home to take care of him and his brother, and his father is a farmer. Widley is able to have one full meal a day. His family currently does not attend church but did seem interested in going. Widley can usually be found with his mother and he always is smiling and laughing. He is a very curious boy that always asks a lot of questions. 

  • Age: 9
  • Gender: Male
  • Birthday: 10/27/2015
  • Current Location: Arcahaie, Haiti
  • Country: Haiti
Widley Serilus is
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