Bold Hope One Fund
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Bonswa - good evening

I'm Wikenley Merjules

Wikenley spends his days with his mother and siblings. Wikenley was born on May 17, 2014 in Boisneuff, Haiti. He currently lives in Arcahaie with his parents, four brothers and five sisters. His father is a farmer and his mother sells what the father grows in the market. Wikenley is the youngest of all the children and loves to observe everything going on around him. He loves to spend time with his family and now attends the Bold Hope school. The family does attend church together on Sundays.

  • Age: 10
  • Gender: Male
  • Birthday: 05/17/2014
  • Current Location: Arcahaie, Haiti
  • Country: Haiti
Wikenley Merjules is
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