Bold Hope One Fund
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Bonjou - good morning

I'm Fritzson Meristyl

Fritzson has been trying to teach himself English and is doing quite well. He does take a course at school, but also studies a lot on his own and reads many books so that he can learn quicker. Fritzson is now 15 years old and does not enjoy when school is cancelled because of the demonstrations.  On the days that he does not have school, he helps clean the house and he also helps cook. Fritzson goes to church every Sunday. He says that he has been praying a lot for the situation to get better soon so that he can go to school and learn. He receives food from Bold Hope each month and enjoys his visits with Pastor Samuel and Dobovolsky. 

  • Age: 20
  • Gender: Male
  • Birthday: 09/01/2004
  • Current Location: Arcahaie, Haiti
  • Country: Haiti
Fritzson Meristyl is
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