Bold Hope One Fund
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Bonjou - good morning

I'm Jobenson Laurius

Jobenson is now 17 years and is very stressed out on the days that he does not have school. He does not like to stay home and not do much with himself. He is serious about his studies and feels like every day he misses is a day lost. He tries as hard as he can to change his mindset about that by helping in the home. He helps his mother cook and he helps his brother garden. The visits by Pastor Samuel and Dobovolsky help him a lot and they pray together that things will get better soon. Jobenson goes to church every Sunday and enjoys it very much. He and his family get food each month from Bold Hope. 

  • Age: 22
  • Gender: Male
  • Birthday: 09/18/2002
  • Current Location: Arcahaie, Haiti
  • Country: Haiti
Jobenson Laurius is
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