Bold Hope One Fund
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Bonswa - good evening

I'm Glanise Marc

Glanise is now 14 years old and is very serious about her studies. School has been on and off based on the protests and Glanise does not like to miss too much school. When she wakes up, she helps clean the dishes and house with her mother. On the weekends she also helps her mother sell different items in the market (bleach, soap, etc...). She does go to church four times a week and is very interested in learning as much about God's Word as possible. She is part of a prayer group that goes to different houses to pray every Wednesday. She enjoys her visits with Pastor Samuel and Dobovolsky. Her family receives food from Bold Hope each month and they are very thankful for that.

  • Age: 19
  • Gender: Female
  • Birthday: 06/05/2005
  • Current Location: Arcahaie, Haiti
  • Country: Haiti
Glanise Marc is
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