Bold Hope One Fund
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I'm Farai Mafukidze

Farai is a well-behaved boy who socializes well with others. Farai loves watching sports and playing soccer, home gardening, feeding the chickens, and mowing the lawn. He has a keen interest in studying the Bible and sharing it with younger kids. He also helps to lead the intercession during Sunday services. Farai’s favorite food is potato chips and chicken and his favorite color is blue. When Farai grows up, he wants to be a pastor.

  • Age: 21
  • Gender: Male
  • Birthday: 07/11/2003
  • Current Location: Domboshava, Zimbabwe
  • Country: Zimbabwe
  • Hobbies: Watching sports channel, home gardening
  • Sports: Soccer
  • Needs: I would like clothing, and shoes.

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Giving Options

Total Amount: $0.00 / Monthly