Bold Hope One Fund
Donate Now Help Us Reach Our Goal of $2,000,000!
Good morning

I'm Hailey Weston

Hailey is a cheerful girl who socializes well with others. She is well behaved, steady and cool, humble, and respectful. Hailey loves reading books, especially English novels, and she also enjoys watching television. Hailey’s favorite food is pork and chicken. Her favorite color is sky blue. When Hailey grows up, she wants to be a judge. She is a very smart girl who grew up in a difficult situation prior to arriving at our home.

  • Age: 18
  • Gender: Female
  • Birthday: 03/07/2007
  • Current Location: Domboshava, Zimbabwe
  • Country: Zimbabwe
  • Hobbies: Reading
  • Needs: I would like clothing, shoes, and textbooks

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Step 1 | When you choose to sponsor a child you are making an impact on their life.

Giving Options

Total Amount: $0.00 / Monthly