Bold Hope One Fund
Donate Now Help Us Reach Our Goal of $2,000,000!
Good morning

I'm Nyasha Katewa

Nyasha was abandoned as a child and is HIV positive. Nyasha is going to school at Zimbiru Primary School. She is healthy and always smiling. She is well-behaved and socializes well with other kids. She enjoys drawing and assisting with household duties like cleaning plates and sweeping the floor. Her favorite foods are rice, chicken, spaghetti, and potato chips.

  • Age: 11
  • Gender: Female
  • Birthday: 05/05/2013
  • Current Location: Domboshava, Zimbabwe
  • Country: Zimbabwe
  • Needs: I would like clothing, shoes, books, and prayers for complete healing.

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Sponsor Nyasha Katewa

Step 1 | When you choose to sponsor a child you are making an impact on their life.

Giving Options

Total Amount: $0.00 / Monthly