Bold Hope One Fund
Donate Now Help Us Reach Our Goal of $2,000,000!
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I'm Kudakwashe Jongwe

Kudakwashe is social and plays well with others. He enjoys football and races, and building certain things using small blocks. He also loves listening to stories with riddles or stories told in a dramatic way. His favorite foods are rice and chicken and his favorite color is purple.

  • Age: 10
  • Gender: Male
  • Birthday: 02/05/2015
  • Current Location: Domboshava, Zimbabwe
  • Country: Zimbabwe
  • Hobbies: Riding his bike
  • Needs: I would like clothing, shoes, books, and toys.

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Sponsor Kudakwashe Jongwe

Step 1 | When you choose to sponsor a child you are making an impact on their life.

Giving Options

Total Amount: $0.00 / Monthly