Bold Hope One Fund
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I'm Yomari Joseph

Yomari was born in the Dominican Republic and currently lives in Batey Brador. A Batey is a shanty-town camp where sugar cane cutters live. We have come alongside this Batey in Brador to help care for children. Yomari helps her mother clean the home and keep it tidy. She also likes to play with her best friend Maria. They practice doing really beautiful hairstyles on each other. Her mother, Yovani, is unemployed and has 6 children that she struggles to take care of. Yovani lives with a partner that helps a bit with the wages he earns working in the sugar cane fields. The family has limited documentation.

  • Age: 17
  • Gender: Female
  • Birthday: 04/13/2007
  • Country: Dominican Republic
Yomari Joseph is
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