Bold Hope One Fund
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Good afternoon

I'm Roodly Piene Louis

Roodly lives in Batey Brador. A Batey is a shanty-town camp where sugar cane cutters live. We have come alongside this Batey in Brador to help care for children. Roodly was born in Haiti and now lives in Batey Brador with his father and mother. His parents are not married but do live together. His father is a sugar cane cutter and his mother is unemployed. Roodly is a very shy boy who always likes to be close to his parents. His father always takes him to the Bold Hope Community Center to listen to the Bible stories. The family has limited documentation. 

  • Age: 5
  • Gender: Male
  • Birthday: 02/15/2020
  • Country: Dominican Republic
Roodly Piene Louis is
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