Bold Hope One Fund
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I'm Zaylee Meighan

Zaylee lives in Sarteneja. Her favorite color is purple. When Zaylee grows up, she wants to be a teacher. She lives with her grandparents and her brother. Her mother is working in another village and sends money to Zaylee´s grandparents. Zaylee misses her mother every day. Zaylee´s grandmother is blind, and Zaylee tries to help her around the house. Zaylee herself is partially blind in her left eye, but she believes that God can heal her. Zaylee loves to go to Sunday school and church. She likes to play with her dolls and also likes to spend time with her mom and grandma. Zaylee loves pizza and ice cream.

  • Age: 8
  • Gender: Female
  • Birthday: 12/11/2016
  • Country: Belize

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Total Amount: $0.00 / Monthly