Bold Hope One Fund
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Bonjou - good morning

I'm Edson Pauleus

He enjoys cooking! Edson was born on January 4, 2010 and lives at home with his mom and two sisters. He loves to play soccer. His favorite food is rice - no matter how it is cooked! Edson helps his whole family by making a lot of the meals. He enjoys cooking, so he takes over that responsibility for the family when he can. He also helps out by picking up his sisters everyday from the lunch program on our property. They live pretty far away on foot, so as the older brother he walks the girls back and forth and keeps them safe. He is a very loving older brother. He attends church with his family. He enjoys going to school a lot!

  • Age: 15
  • Gender: Male
  • Birthday: 01/04/2010
  • Current Location: Arcahaie, Haiti
  • Country: Haiti
  • Hobbies: Cooking

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Total Amount: $0.00 / Monthly