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Good afternoon

I'm Dephine Chozarira

Dephine is one of the best students in her class. She likes watching television, exercising, playing sports, and playing various games with other children. Dephine is a cheerful and well-behaved girl who likes eating pizza and a drink. Her favorite color is lemon green. When Dephine grows up she wants to be a soldier. She is very high energy and is always in the middle of anything going on that is fun. She has a beautiful smile and a sweet nature. She has many friends.

  • Age: 20
  • Gender: Female
  • Birthday: 01/05/2004
  • Current Location: Domboshava, Zimbabwe
  • Birth Place: Unknown
  • Hobbies: Playing any type of sport
  • Sports: Swimming
  • Family Duties: I would like clothing, shoes, and books.
Dephine Chozarira is
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