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Child Sponsorship

Make a lasting difference in a child's life today by giving them the gift of HOPE.

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Sponsor a child internationally

Want to make a difference from home? Sponsor a child! Hard-working people around the world, many of whom are living in dire poverty, struggle to provide basic necessities for their children. You can help meet a family's needs by sponsoring a child in one of several sponsorship programs.

Sponsoring a child offers the chance at a brighter future. Your generosity helps provide a range of resources - clothing, medicine, education, etc. - that will allow your sponsored child to thrive. In addition to offering tangible assistance, your support and encouragement reminds them that they are not alone.

Each country is unique and has people with varying needs. Depending on which country your sponsored child lives in, your contributions will help purchase a range of material items that encourage their growth and development.

These items may include:

  • Food
  • Medical Care
  • School Tuition
  • Clothing
  • Shelter

As a child sponsorship organization, Bold Hope aspires to connect, empower, and transform. Sponsoring a child connects communities across cultures and continents, impacting lives globally. Many people are struggling in our world - your generosity provides support that empowers children and families in the present, while also sharing the HOPE of eternal transformation.

Bold Hope Child Sponsorship Belize
Bold Hope Child Sponsorship Cambodia
Bold Hope Child Cambodia
Bold Hope Child Sponsorship Haiti
Bold Hope Child Sponsorship Program
Bold Hope Child Sponsorship Dominican Republic
Bold Hope Child Sponsorship Haiti Program
Bold Hope Child Sponsorship Belize Program
Bold Hope Child Sponsorship
Bold Hope Child Sponsorship Jordan
Bold Hope Child Sponsorship Zimbabwe
Bold Hope Child Sponsorship India

Bold Hope works with partners in over 10 different countries with children in need of sponsors. The 5 nations below currently offer child sponsorships. Click on each country to learn about the struggles and needs of children in those regions.

Child Development Gift Fund

The Bold Hope gift fund is used to help with ongoing care for the children in our sponsorship program. We believe that kids' lives should be about more than survival; it is a delight to be able to periodically celebrate them and introduce them to new experiences.

The gift fund provides for things like parties, gifts, excursions, and other special events, along with ongoing needs.

Gift funds are pooled and used on an as-needed basis among the different places we serve. Thank you for generously offering HOPE and joy to the children in our care.

How much would you like to give?

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Total Donation: $100.00

Haley Rojek Testimonial

In June 2022, I had the opportunity to join a Bold Hope mission trip in the Dominican Republic, which was a life-changing experience. I knew I wanted to be part of the child sponsorship program as soon as we learned about it, and I have been sponsoring Cyeily (Cheyla) since I returned about 6 months ago.

I love that being a sponsor provides a concrete and actionable way of staying involved with Bold Hope's mission; it's easy to feel helpless when the world's issues are so large, but partnering with the sponsorship program means ongoing and real impact.

Cheyla is only five years old, so right now we have been connecting through a few letters, and I was also able to send her a photo we took together when I got to spend a day with her. I am looking forward to seeing her grow up and deepening our relationship throughout her life.

The program has already had a huge impact on my life within a few months; I have grown passionate about child sponsorship and feel God calling me to do more going forward. Sponsoring a child is an inspirational step towards making realistic change in the world, and it provides a way to support and stay connected with the communities who undoubtedly have a lasting effect on all of us.

Haley Rojek

Dominican Republic, Mission Trip

Frequently asked questions

Why is Bold Hope sponsorship more expensive than other sponsorship programs?

Rather than having a set amount for sponsorship globally, we have developed a program that allows us to work in all countries without restrictions on what we can provide or how much things cost. The amount needed for sponsorship is determined by which needs local leaders are seeking to help meet and how much it costs to meet them. What sponsorship includes and costs varies country by country. As a result, sponsorship costs more in some places than others. In an effort to make sponsorship affordable for the donors, we’ve assigned more than one sponsorship slot to each child. No matter how many sponsors each child has, your prayers and support are priceless. Your involvement goes a long way to providing HOPE and a future for your sponsored child.

Does the money go directly to the family?

Sponsoring a child through Bold Hope provides you with the unique opportunity to develop a relationship with one specific child. However, monthly sponsorship donations are pooled in order to make the greatest impact. What does this mean? It means that because of your generosity, and that of other sponsors, children around the globe have not only the chance to thrive, but also HOPE for their futures. Sponsorship funds long-term programs and initiatives with the aim of empowering individual sponsored children as well as their entire communities.

We work closely with local churches and missionaries to ensure that the children enrolled in the sponsorship program are receiving the benefits of sponsorship. Rather than giving money directly to the sponsored family, local leaders are responsible for things like purchasing food, supplies, or paying school fees. We require regular reports from the sponsorship program directors to ensure that the needs of each sponsored child are being met. Each program is reviewed at least once annually.

Can I contact my sponsored child?

Sponsoring a child goes beyond just basic’s an opportunity to develop a true relationship with the child and their family. Writing letters is a chance to get to know them better and begin to understand life in their community.

Once you’re happy with your letter, use our online letter-writing page to submit the final draft. We will translate the letter into your sponsored child’s native tongue so that they and their family can read it. Please allow between two-three weeks for your letter to reach them. Once the letter arrives, your sponsored child can read the letter or have it read to them. They will then respond with a letter or drawing.

Bold Hope will update you on your sponsored child's progress annually.

Already sponsoring a child?

Continue building the relationship.

We encourage you to build a relationship with the child you sponsor. Get to know their likes and dislikes, and tell them about yourself. Write a letter to start the conversation today.

Do you have questions about international child sponsorships?

If you are interested in making a difference in the life of a child internationally, contact with any sponsorship questions or reach out to us online. We can help you understand our programs and how important your generosity is to children worldwide.