Haiti Emergency Fundraiser
Help Us Reach Our Goal of $50,000!

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Śubha Dōhōrō - good afternoon

I'm Binita Nepali

Binita is in the 5th grade even though she is 17. She was unable to go to school when she was younger so she has some catching up to do. She is smart and learning quickly. She would like to become a Doctor and serve those that do not have money to pay for healthcare. Her favorite subject in school is Nepali. She enjoys watching Nepali moveis and listens to any type of music. In her free time, she like to sing and eat mo:mo, Her favorite color is red.

  • Age: 23
  • Gender: Female
  • Birthday: 05/01/2001
  • Current Location: Kathmandu, Nepal
  • Birth Place: Kathmandu, Nepal

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Step 1 | When you choose to sponsor a child you are making an impact on their life.